+[2015-02-06T08:29:35Z]firetitleHi guys i just wanted to ask a question about something +[2015-02-06T08:30:15Z]firetitlei was thinking about how to share jekyll posts in 2 columns but it seems that i have found the answer +[2015-02-06T08:31:10Z]firetitlei would like to make a complex site and i have seen a lot of templates and examples, but all of them had just a one column post list on the index page +[2015-02-06T08:31:46Z]firetitlei wanted to separate the post lists into two columns and i think i found a template for that +[2015-02-06T08:32:14Z]firetitlealthough i'm not sure how i'm going to deal with pagination, but hopefully i can manage somehow
+[2015-02-07T01:09:30Z]jaybe`learn jekyll-snippets is https://github.com/mdo/jekyll-snippets +[2015-02-07T01:09:30Z]jekyllrbjaybe: The operation succeeded. +[2015-02-07T01:09:46Z]jaybeawesomeness and simplicity +[2015-02-07T11:29:18Z]pontikio/ +[2015-02-07T13:55:56Z]averagehey, does jekyll literally take all files(including images) that match /^YYYY-MM-DD-.*$/ and positions them in the right place ?