+ [2015-02-13T23:49:19Z] J1G|Anon126 pi-_: there is a technical way to do it, but the lazy way is to delete the .git directory and start over
+ [2015-02-13T23:50:18Z] pi-_ J1G|Anon126: I think I will go with that. Would I also delete and recreate the repo on github?
+ [2015-02-13T23:50:38Z] J1G|Anon126 pi-_: yes, that would also be the "lazy way"
+ [2015-02-13T23:50:56Z] J1G|Anon126 (and yes, there is a technical way there, too)

message no. 79289

Posted by IamTrying in #github at 2015-02-13T07:49:17Z

Can anyone please ask Github.com developers to add the feature in comments of issues? I have a many issues where random people comments. But in Github.com there is no way to reply on comment by ID number like Google has. Can Github.com developers make all the comments under one issue with comment IDS please?
+ [2015-02-14T01:30:43Z] as4500 um....hello?
+ [2015-02-14T01:48:43Z] gitinfo asksol: [!welcome] Welcome to #git, a place full of helpful gits. If you have a question, feel free to just go ahead and ask—somebody should answer shortly. For more info on this channel, see http://jk.gs/git/ Take backups (type !backup to learn how) before taking advice.
+ [2015-02-14T01:51:17Z] VxJasonxV thibaultcha: it wasn't asksol