+ [2015-02-14T03:52:13Z] blaenk nevermind seems like it's possible, I think
+ [2015-02-14T03:54:41Z] Redmega Am I able to use ajax in my github page?
+ [2015-02-14T03:55:16Z] thibaultcha You mean making requests fom your js? Well, as soon as the js is served to your browser, you can do whatever you want, sure
+ [2015-02-14T03:56:14Z] Redmega But not from a server?
+ [2015-02-14T05:30:48Z] bramgg Can I have my search on github NOT ignore periods?

message no. 79510

Posted by gitinfo in #github at 2015-02-14T01:48:43Z

asksol: [!welcome] Welcome to #git, a place full of helpful gits. If you have a question, feel free to just go ahead and ask—somebody should answer shortly. For more info on this channel, see http://jk.gs/git/ Take backups (type !backup to learn how) before taking advice.
+ [2015-02-15T03:16:07Z] codebam are forks on github a copy and paste of everything, or symlinking the old commits?
+ [2015-02-15T03:17:39Z] codebam jkitchen: what? 1st one or 2nd one?
+ [2015-02-15T03:19:06Z] jkitchen it's a "copy" of the repo, but they don't actually make a second copy of each of the objects