+ [2015-02-15T20:58:55Z] expr quick question about GFM: if I have a fenced code block and I want to have three backticks (```) within that code block, how would I go about escaping them?
+ [2015-02-15T20:59:38Z] expr they're on a newline too, so the parser thinks it's the end of the fenced code block
+ [2015-02-15T21:24:26Z] GeekDude An issue on one of my repos has gone off on a tangent. Is it possible to split it off into a separate issue?
+ [2015-02-15T23:51:42Z] Milos|Work Is GitHub having issues with e-mail or something?
+ [2015-02-15T23:51:58Z] Milos|Work I've been invited to an organisation but not received an e-mail or see that organisation anywhere on my profile.

message no. 79609

Posted by niggler in #github at 2015-02-15T19:02:46Z

when you are viewing a page Stevoisiak
+ [2015-02-15T23:58:57Z] xrogaan Milos|Work: https://github.com/settings/organizations ?
+ [2015-02-15T23:59:10Z] Milos|Work You are not a member of any organizations.
+ [2015-02-15T23:59:26Z] xrogaan then you're not a member :p