+[10 years ago]pi-yep that worked +[10 years ago]pi-thanks thibaultcha +[10 years ago]thibaultchawelcome +[10 years ago]aboudreaultcan we share a single private repository with someone in our organizatioN? +[10 years ago]aboudreaultLooks like I can give the rights of the single repo to a new team.
+[10 years ago]tejas-manoharwhy doesn't http://iswcsopen.com/ hit https://github.com/tejasmanohar/is-wcs-open +[10 years ago]tejas-manoharis https://github.com/tejasmanohar/is-wcs-open/blob/gh/CNAME right? how about dns? (dig iswcsopen.com) +[10 years ago]GeekDudehmm +[10 years ago]GeekDudeI don't know +[10 years ago]GeekDudeI don't know how any of it works, tbh