+ [2015-02-19T22:33:07Z] TexoByte I was thinking a editable region would be a somewhat lateral solution.
+ [2015-02-19T22:33:13Z] TexoByte Yeah.... exactly
+ [2015-02-19T22:38:05Z] jaybe i'd be pleased to have more discussion with you about this. it's something i've been thinking about for a while also
+ [2015-02-19T22:38:16Z] jaybe i need to run right now; can we catch up and discuss this more?
+ [2015-02-19T22:41:42Z] TexoByte jaybe, yes I would love to.

message no. 80224

Posted by tohuw in #jekyll at 2015-02-19T00:44:30Z

I created a hashtable of the form [[“key1”, “value1”],[“key2”,”value2”],[“key3”,”value3”]] in _config.yml, but when I attempt to emit these values in a for loop (or indeed, just via {{ site.hashtablename }}, I only get the first key/value pair. Why?
+ [2015-02-20T00:09:13Z] KingMe hi I am having trouble following this Jekyll instruction
+ [2015-02-20T00:09:14Z] KingMe Jekyll - The main event. You'll want to create a file in your site's repository called Gemfile and add the line gem 'github-pages'.
+ [2015-02-20T00:09:41Z] KingMe Do I create a folder called Gemfile? and how do I add the line gem 'github-pages'. ?
+ [2015-02-20T00:14:08Z] oksushi KingMe: you’re referring to https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/ ?
+ [2015-02-20T00:14:09Z] jekyllrb Title: Using Jekyll with Pages - User Documentation (at help.github.com)