+ [2015-02-23T15:13:25Z] jaybe `learn talk is https://talk.jekyllrb.com
+ [2015-02-23T15:13:26Z] jekyllrb jaybe: The operation succeeded.
+ [2015-02-23T15:14:48Z] jekyllrb all: https://talk.jekyllrb.com . ( 15:16:33 ) <jaybe> be sure to check o ... whatis talk ) provided by Di ...)
+ [2015-02-23T15:14:47Z] jaybe all, be sure to check out the *new* Jekyll Talk (`whatis talk`) provided by Discourse!
+ [2015-02-23T17:16:19Z] skagedal hi. i'd like to programmatically tweak the permalink for every page. i was thinking i could do that in a generator plugin by setting page.data['permalink'] to something, but that doesn't seem to work. is there another way? or am i doing it wrong?

message no. 81100

Posted by oksushi in #jekyll at 2015-02-23T01:46:10Z

tohuw: strip_html ?
+ [2015-02-25T01:19:27Z] jaybe `learn examples is http://hookedaz.cronkitenewsonline.com
+ [2015-02-25T01:19:27Z] jekyllrb jaybe: The operation succeeded.
+ [2015-02-25T04:35:11Z] travis-ci alfredxing/jekyll#140 (fix-docs-tests) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/alfredxing/jekyll/builds/52086271
+ [2015-02-25T04:35:13Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2015-02-25T04:36:13Z] jaybe `jekyllrb