+ [2015-03-11T19:36:09Z] jekyllrb Title: Permalinks (at jekyllrb.com)
+ [2015-03-11T19:43:06Z] wsad kaffeeboehnchen: thanks a lot
+ [2015-03-11T19:43:44Z] wsad i am just 3 days old with jekyll
+ [2015-03-11T19:43:48Z] wsad :)

message no. 83437

Posted by wsad in #jekyll at 2015-03-11T18:45:29Z

jekyll build compiles the project and puts it in the _site folder. The posts are stored as _site/year/post-name/index.html Can i change the location of posts to _site/posts/year/post-name/index.html
+ [2015-03-12T02:34:03Z] pontiki hi o/
+ [2015-03-12T02:37:20Z] jaybe hello!
+ [2015-03-12T09:11:04Z] zhangyaqi I am newer. I have set up jekyll for my blog