+ [2015-03-13T15:23:03Z] jaybe the purpose of liquid' {% raw %} is to escape liquid processing, so.. i'd say yes
+ [2015-03-13T15:23:08Z] jekyllrb jaybe: https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers
+ [2015-03-13T15:23:08Z] jaybe `whatis liquid
+ [2015-03-13T15:26:51Z] OverCore jaybe: I use 'jekyll build' with Grunt
+ [2015-03-13T20:49:10Z] OverCore Hi, I have created a single page into the main folder called blog.html, but when I do to I raise an error Cannot GET /blog.html. Where is the problem?

message no. 83708

Posted by roysegall in #jekyll at 2015-03-13T15:18:54Z

+ [2015-03-14T01:24:20Z] pontiki hi o/
+ [2015-03-15T10:39:10Z] OverCore_ Hi, what could be the problem because I can not create static pages with jekyll?
+ [2015-03-15T10:39:44Z] OverCore_ Hi use Grunt, and I run 'jekyll build' for create a release and watch with livereload
+ [2015-03-15T10:40:08Z] OverCore_ But when I visit about.html jekyll report 'Cannot get about.html'
+ [2015-03-15T14:42:10Z] jaybe OverCore_, no problem; jekyll creates static pages fine. if you're having issues, consider simplifying and eliminate things that could be causing problems. and, check the destination directory (usually ./_site/ ) for the presence of rendered files