+[2015-03-17T19:56:08Z]KaZeRi'm trying to setup a one way sync between subversion ( sourceforge ) and github but i can't get it to work. i can import my code but i've never been able to update it +[2015-03-17T19:56:14Z]KaZeRcan someone help me please ? +[2015-03-17T21:39:45Z]StevoisiakWhen working with large scale projects, what's the best way to move files around? +[2015-03-17T22:05:21Z]NevikStevoisiak: shipping hard drives via fedex +[2015-03-17T22:54:52Z]StevoisiakNevik: I meant something more along the lines of sorting program files into folders
I just wanted to know which diff algorithm they are using in Github.
+[2015-03-18T01:02:00Z]DannyFritzwhat do people think about emoji in commit messages? https://github.com/dannyfritz/commit-message-emoji +[2015-03-18T01:11:27Z]sonOfRaDannyFritz: fucking terrible +[2015-03-18T01:11:30Z]DannyFritz:) +[2015-03-18T02:55:30Z]grepperDannyFritz: nice, but I know I won't bother :) +[2015-03-18T03:02:23Z]grepperI don't understand what goes in the 'secret' input box in the email webhook configuration. I'd like to auto post to my moderated google group, but I don't know about 'authorized header' and such. Anyone ?