+ [2015-04-03T19:48:53Z] benoliver999 I've tried a straight up cut and paste, replacing site.tags with page.year but that didn't work
+ [2015-04-03T19:50:08Z] benoliver999 Currently I have this for tags: http://ix.io/hil
+ [2015-04-03T20:05:07Z] benoliver999 Ugh I think it's not possible
+ [2015-04-03T20:05:08Z] benoliver999 https://marktrapp.com/blog/2014/01/07/group-posts-jekyll-front-matter/

message no. 87760

Posted by ballingt in #jekyll at 2015-04-03T14:28:26Z

I upgraded 3.0.0.pre.beta2 and am seeing new behavior (serves be right of course) - where can I find docs for this version? Specifically I'm seeing files in my site root not being built.
+ [2015-04-04T05:40:35Z] firebird (•◡•)/ pontiki
+ [2015-04-04T05:40:54Z] jaybe aloha
+ [2015-04-04T06:14:45Z] pontiki ah, cannot stay, my back is killing me
+ [2015-04-04T06:14:48Z] pontiki have to lay down