+ [2015-04-06T18:01:01Z] CashewGuy I didn't realize Formspree was MIT license, that's the only reason I wasn't just going with it
+ [2015-04-06T18:01:06Z] CashewGuy Nevermind everyting
+ [2015-04-06T19:13:48Z] penk so is there any themeing mechanism for jekyll that doesn't involve duplicating the entire site into the theme (making it very hard to change themes later)?
+ [2015-04-06T19:14:11Z] penk i'll be honmest, i'm close to abandoning this for a different platform because this seems really awkward and broken :(

message no. 88255

Posted by CashewGuy in #jekyll at 2015-04-06T15:27:39Z

jaybe: I don't suppose you know how I could run PHP beside Jekyll? Right now I'm local, so I've got Jekyll inside my MAMP htdocs, but with MAMP on and after serving with Jekyll, it doesn't seem to be working with PHP
+ [2015-04-07T02:19:46Z] pontiki hi o/
+ [2015-04-07T03:18:18Z] jaybe hiya
+ [2015-04-07T22:54:11Z] mglukhov_ just curious, does anyone know the timeline for jekyll v3 being released, or if there's a third beta planned?
+ [2015-04-08T02:40:06Z] jaybe hiya