+ [2015-04-26T21:13:57Z] fladd To be more clear: The way GitHub colours code on their website has changed in the last years, from something that resembles what I have shown in the link, to how it looks today. I was wondering if anyone knows when that change happened. I am interested in this, since I was looking for a Pygments theme that looks like GitHub, but I could only find the "old" one. So I was wondering whether that change at GitHub was recently?
+ [2015-04-26T21:16:47Z] Infininight they moved away from Pygments about November I believe it was, no reason that would have been the same time as the colors change but…
+ [2015-04-26T21:18:18Z] fladd Infininight, yes, I also thought this might have been related...
+ [2015-04-26T21:51:37Z] sonOfRa The events documentation says "All Events have the same response format:" and then an example json payload. However, the "org" field seems to be optional. Is "actor" optional as well?
+ [2015-04-26T21:52:02Z] sonOfRa Same question for "repo". Are there events that don't have repositories?

message no. 91264

Posted by grepper in #github at 2015-04-26T03:02:55Z

sonOfRa: tried all those in various combos, trouble is the file is program-version.tar.gz but extracts to program-program-version. So none of those are going to work I don't think.
+ [2015-04-27T01:25:49Z] pomke Just had something weird happen with github, wondering if anyone else has experienced this: I used to have a micro subscription, I downgraded to free in 2013. The CC they have on record for me just expired, they have auto-transitioned my account back to micro (wtf?) at $7/month and want me to update my cc info
+ [2015-04-27T01:26:05Z] pomke o.O
+ [2015-04-27T02:46:24Z] milki pomke: you'll want to talk to github directly !sgc
+ [2015-04-27T02:46:25Z] gitinfo pomke: For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support
+ [2015-04-27T13:19:12Z] ckruczek I was wondering why there is the possibility to clone a git repo per ssh,https etc but a github wiki is only clonable via https? Is there any reason?