+ [2015-05-07T22:17:52Z] rrva meant, mirror a github repo
+ [2015-05-07T22:21:20Z] rrva do I have to use https://github.com/ruslo/gitenv/blob/master/redirect-to-mirror.py ?
+ [2015-05-07T23:00:22Z] leptone is there a way to pull a github repository down to plunker?
+ [2015-05-07T23:55:12Z] akurilin question: I'm having a hard time having my route53 CNAME redirect to an organization's gh pages repo
+ [2015-05-07T23:55:25Z] akurilin dig seems to indicate correct cnaming

message no. 92697

Posted by jblack in #github at 2015-05-07T02:57:05Z

filing an issue is one way
+ [2015-05-08T05:45:14Z] rbo cs
+ [2015-05-08T07:46:12Z] minutemen any recomendation of text editor to work with git?
+ [2015-05-08T07:46:47Z] j416 vim
+ [2015-05-08T07:47:07Z] minutemen free text editor, btw i use windows