+ [2015-05-25T19:19:16Z] Seveas example: http://seveas.github.io/python-hpilo/info.html
+ [2015-05-25T19:19:40Z] owen1 wow. how did u creat that site?
+ [2015-05-25T19:20:32Z] Seveas with sphinx, a python documentation thingy.
+ [2015-05-25T19:24:05Z] owen1 looks great
+ [2015-05-25T20:36:55Z] owen1 Seveas: is there any way to 'clean' the urls? the first endpoint is great (no .html). but as you start clicking around my site i have .html on each other blog post.

message no. 94878

Posted by owen1 in #github at 2015-05-25T19:24:05Z

looks great
+ [2015-05-26T00:08:08Z] reduce hi, i cloned direct from another users github repo to my local machine, now i foked that project to my github account. How can i push my changes from my local repo to my github repo?
+ [2015-05-26T01:28:15Z] milki reduce: you need to fix the existing remote url or add another one. see man git remote
+ [2015-05-26T01:28:15Z] gitinfo reduce: the git-remote manpage is available at http://jk.gs/git-remote.html
+ [2015-05-26T01:41:56Z] lillian https://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia-engine/wiki/High-Level-Design-Document -- notice how the cite tags under the blockquotes are way too close to the paragraph below for visual rhythm? wussup wit dat
+ [2015-05-26T01:42:16Z] lillian that looks horrible