+ [2015-05-29T19:37:23Z] _rgn I was thinking about automating TOC generation for a wiki page
+ [2015-05-29T19:37:34Z] _rgn https://github.com/ramda/ramda/wiki/Cookbook
+ [2015-05-29T21:11:38Z] c0mrad3 logs of this channel plz
+ [2015-05-29T21:34:37Z] _rgn what are you looking for
+ [2015-05-29T23:17:17Z] anahumar how can I find search for projects that have 30+ common developers in 1 year time interval?

message no. 95474

Posted by xiphiaz in #github at 2015-05-29T00:07:57Z

hey what is github's standpoint on username squatting?
+ [2015-05-30T01:05:08Z] ilhami hey.
+ [2015-05-30T01:05:36Z] ilhami is the github API easy to use? :P
+ [2015-05-30T04:11:44Z] twistedpixels if I'm putting a project on github that has js/css dependencies, should I just package those directly in, or just link to a cdn in the source code?
+ [2015-05-30T07:09:43Z] argonostrum how do i reclaim an email address? github says "email address already in use" when i try to sign up or add my email address. i am positive i don't have an account associated with that email
+ [2015-05-30T07:33:05Z] Seveas argonostrum: tried password recovery? https://github.com/password_reset