+ [2015-06-02T15:03:27Z] RLa whether Jekyll-based blog supports news feed depends on the used template?
+ [2015-06-02T15:49:27Z] jaybe `later tell RLa re: feeds. yes-- a feed is merely a formatted xml/other document. jekyll [can] 'produces' a feed in atom/xml format via a template. see the jekyllrb.com site source for example of feed.xml template.
+ [2015-06-02T15:49:29Z] jekyllrb jaybe: The operation succeeded.
+ [2015-06-02T18:58:24Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#5860 (speed-up-travisci) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/65129276
+ [2015-06-02T18:58:27Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)

message no. 96207

Posted by jsw__ in #jekyll at 2015-06-02T04:14:25Z

Hi! I'
+ [2015-06-03T04:41:00Z] gnidmoo hi there, I'm trying to set up syntax highlighting for my blog, and I've some problems. First, pygments seems to replace every tabs in the code by spaces, or nothing if it's a blank line, any idea to fix it?
+ [2015-06-03T06:39:41Z] gynter gnidmoo: why should you want to fix this? any sane dev uses spaces indstead of tabs and removes all trailing whitespaces
+ [2015-06-03T06:40:56Z] gnidmoo I use tabs for indentation, and spaces for alignement (so that any user can customize tab size, and he will always see the same thing I seed)
+ [2015-06-03T06:41:59Z] gnidmoo and I keep blank indented line because with vim, if I press 'o' or 'O' on an empty line, it won't understand the current indentation