+ [2015-06-08T23:44:26Z] IamTrying is github.com down? cant push again like few weeks before.
+ [2015-06-08T23:46:42Z] IamTrying Still cant push my commits. Can you make sure and respect the weekdays not to do upgrades please, our private repositories face lot of problems for this? (Please respect, Friday evening till Monday morning, for scheduled upgrades etc)
+ [2015-06-08T23:50:03Z] tejasmanohar how do i do an ordered list under an ordered list in markdown
+ [2015-06-08T23:55:57Z] adambrenecki tejasmanohar: https://help.github.com/articles/markdown-basics/#nested-lists

message no. 97497

Posted by IamTrying in #github at 2015-06-08T23:44:26Z

is github.com down? cant push again like few weeks before.
+ [2015-06-09T03:29:45Z] fxmulder is there a way to paste a patch in an issue comment and not have the comment formatting take place?
+ [2015-06-09T07:41:33Z] lillian how should i model my branching process considering my project is cross-platform, and there are some targets that I want to provide binaries for? :)
+ [2015-06-09T08:27:09Z] Seveas lillian: binaries don't go in the repo. Branching models have nothing to do with cross-platformness
+ [2015-06-09T13:09:40Z] pmatulis i made a fork of a project on the webui; cloned it locally; made a branch; and commit/pushed back to origin (my fork). i would like to continue doing this but i feel i should be syncing my fork (with the original project) and then syncing my clone with my fork. is this correct? if so, how to do this?
+ [2015-06-09T13:12:06Z] Seveas !sync