+[10 years ago]sebiehttp://jekyllrb.com/docs/continuous-integration/#the-test-script +[10 years ago]jekyllrbTitle: Continuous Integration (at jekyllrb.com) +[10 years ago]sebieIt mentions "htmlproof command-line executable" +[10 years ago]sebieWould I put that after it builds (.travis.yml)? +[10 years ago]sebieDoes anybody have experience with HTML Proof and .travis.yml?
message no. 97623
Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-06-11T15:49:45Z
+[10 years ago]sebieDoes anybody have experience with HTML Proof and .travis.yml? +[10 years ago]allejosebie, just asking your question +[10 years ago]allejooh nvm +[10 years ago]sebieallejo, ? +[10 years ago]allejohttp://www.jacobtomlinson.co.uk/jekyll/2015/02/18/test-you-jekyll-blog-with-travis-ci/