+ [2015-06-14T02:55:11Z] allejo oh wait, nvm
+ [2015-06-14T02:55:25Z] allejo have you tried site.data.blah[somevar]?
+ [2015-06-14T03:15:40Z] seemant allejo: <3
+ [2015-06-14T03:15:44Z] seemant and it seems so obvious now
+ [2015-06-14T03:19:17Z] allejo :)

message no. 98180

Posted by allejo in #jekyll at 2015-06-14T02:55:11Z

oh wait, nvm
+ [2015-06-15T14:57:03Z] BlueProtoman Whenever I interact with objects in Jekyll, they're just Ruby objects, right?
+ [2015-06-15T15:47:22Z] BlueProtoman Can YAML anchors and references exist across files?
+ [2015-06-15T18:51:34Z] snapfractalpop Can links not be used in _posts files' markdown?
+ [2015-06-15T18:51:56Z] snapfractalpop I mean: [these](http://example.org) type links
+ [2015-06-15T18:51:57Z] jekyllrb Title: Example Domain (at example.org)