+[2013-09-18T21:45:29Z]natefucking love it +[2013-09-18T21:47:32Z]jaybehehe me too +[2013-09-18T22:51:01Z]nateis {% highlight %} usable in a markdown file? +[2013-09-18T22:52:00Z]nateor really, I don't need syntax hilighting for this. more of a <code> tag +[2013-09-18T23:46:45Z]tomkralidishi, {{post.date}} always set %H:%M:%S as 00:00:00. Is there any way to get the exact hour/minute/second from post.date?
hi, {{post.date}} always set %H:%M:%S as 00:00:00. Is there any way to get the exact hour/minute/second from post.date?
+[2013-09-19T00:15:28Z]jaybetomkralidis, explicitly set the date: with the post' front matter +[2013-09-19T00:19:44Z]pontikinate: the standard <code> rendering in markdown is just to indent 4 spaces +[2013-09-19T00:20:05Z]tomkralidisthanks jaybe. Was hoping for something more automagical. Maybe a plugin +[2013-09-19T00:20:24Z]jayberedcarpet support fenced code blocks a la github markdown as well. e.g. ```` php +[2013-09-19T00:20:47Z]pontikinod