+ [2015-06-24T18:42:30Z] gynter onions
+ [2015-06-24T21:04:01Z] gynter Please don't shoot me in the face and read it all :) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-paginate/issues/27
+ [2015-06-24T21:04:02Z] jekyllrb Title: Toughts on all new Jekyll pagination system · Issue #27 · jekyll/jekyll-paginate · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2015-06-24T23:51:20Z] michaelpg gynter: oksushi: thanks for the help. Turns out hitimes doesn't support Ruby 2.2 on Windows
+ [2015-06-24T23:51:34Z] michaelpg downgrading to 2.1.6 lets me run jekyll

message no. 99434

Posted by michaelpg in #jekyll at 2015-06-24T09:00:09Z

i also saw that "gem update --system 2.3.0" helped, tried that, again no change to output of `jekyll serve`
+ [2015-06-25T00:00:22Z] shadowlightwolf8 hello, I'm having some difficulty getting my poetry to display right, fits anyone have any advice on how to create single and double spaced line breaks?
+ [2015-06-25T00:01:22Z] pontiki in markdown?
+ [2015-06-25T00:02:04Z] shadowlightwolf8 yes, I tried using double spaces at the end of each line to create a soft line break, but it didn't work.
+ [2015-06-25T00:02:31Z] pontiki hmm, that's how it is supposed to work... which mardown processor are you using?