latest 20 messages by ColKurtz

+ [2013-09-22T23:00:52Z] ColKurtz jaybe, that's a great solution for personal use. I think since I have no posts at this point in time, I'll settle for a static home page separate from the blog index, and I'll start working on a new octopress pagination plugin with support for sticky posts, in the hopes that somebody else might find it useful
+ [2013-09-22T22:54:42Z] ColKurtz so I would still have two loops in the template—the first iterating over the 'featured' category, and the second iterating over all posts (unless post.category == featured)
+ [2013-09-22T22:47:26Z] ColKurtz there's the novel, effective, and simple solution
+ [2013-09-22T22:44:29Z] ColKurtz thanks for the input!
+ [2013-09-22T22:43:52Z] ColKurtz jaybe yep that was pontiki's first solution:
+ [2013-09-22T22:40:02Z] ColKurtz okay, now for a completely noob question. How can I inspect site.site_payload['site']['posts'] in that paginate function so I can see what I have to work with?
+ [2013-09-22T22:32:47Z] ColKurtz i was thinking more the 'initialize' function:
+ [2013-09-22T22:32:26Z] ColKurtz For right now I'm just making my home page a static page, and the blog index separate (no posts yet :P ) but I have that issue opened on github to find out from the maintainers what would be most acceptable
+ [2013-09-22T22:30:17Z] ColKurtz cool, thanks for the advice
+ [2013-09-22T22:28:10Z] ColKurtz i was just drawing a comparison
+ [2013-09-22T22:28:05Z] ColKurtz well yeah
+ [2013-09-22T22:26:13Z] ColKurtz I think that's what I meant. I'm a little new to this. Haha.
+ [2013-09-22T22:12:35Z] ColKurtz I don't think you would want to modify the main site_payload, though. This is the type of thing, to me, where you want a controller to modify your model for output to the view