+ [2013-09-22T22:34:49Z] pontiki on line 40 --
+ [2013-09-22T22:35:10Z] pontiki so sorting it once for the whole site makes more sense to me
+ [2013-09-22T22:35:34Z] pontiki also, as the good admiral told us all: never as for permission, ask for forgiveness
+ [2013-09-22T22:40:02Z] ColKurtz okay, now for a completely noob question. How can I inspect site.site_payload['site']['posts'] in that paginate function so I can see what I have to work with?

message no. 10205

Posted by ColKurtz in #octopress at 2013-09-22T22:32:47Z

i was thinking more the 'initialize' function: https://github.com/imathis/octopress/blob/e2596c02cbdd9a6e493a512724a8787a7e4a07ec/plugins/pagination.rb#L98
+ [2013-09-24T20:15:14Z] iamioannis Is anyone here or I am just talking to myself?
+ [2013-09-26T20:40:20Z] aboudreault should the url blog/categories/ works?
+ [2013-09-26T20:42:08Z] aboudreault just realized that there is no place in my site to access blog by categories..
+ [2013-09-26T20:50:59Z] aboudreault fixed, just found a plugin