latest 20 messages by DirtyF

+ [2017-06-23T12:16:56Z] DirtyF Aaron is having a hard time figuring why:
+ [2017-06-23T12:16:07Z] DirtyF hi, anyone experienced with Jekyll not finding a gem bundled from Rubygems?
+ [2016-08-12T23:11:22Z] DirtyF but you're right to give it a shot now, a few themes have been released
+ [2016-08-12T23:10:51Z] DirtyF I'm looking forward an assets folders to put the images, fonts and other files related to the theme
+ [2016-08-12T23:09:56Z] DirtyF
+ [2016-08-12T23:09:56Z] DirtyF No, I just follow closely Jekyll's development
+ [2016-08-12T23:07:47Z] DirtyF Please be aware that themes are not really a polished feature yet and will improve in next versions
+ [2016-08-12T23:06:12Z] DirtyF Everything is here:
+ [2016-08-12T23:00:18Z] DirtyF fuzzybear39: and if you want to make your own thene, you add your files in the root directory and run jekyll new-theme <your-theme-name> it will help you create the gem
+ [2016-08-12T22:58:44Z] DirtyF miklb: sorry I didn't read the whole thread :)
+ [2016-08-12T22:57:22Z] DirtyF if you want to modify the default theme you can add your own files, it will override the default theme
+ [2016-08-12T22:56:13Z] DirtyF run `bundle show minima` if you want to know where they are
+ [2016-08-12T22:55:32Z] DirtyF the files are stored in the minima gem
+ [2016-08-12T22:54:16Z] DirtyF fuzzybear39: from 3.2.0 it's normal taht you don't see _includes, _layouts and _sass diretories with the minima theme
+ [2016-08-12T17:20:05Z] DirtyF @awood thanks for jekyll-livereload I use it all the time
+ [2016-08-12T15:33:00Z] DirtyF the easiest way is to mention @jekyll/core on the PR but you know that
+ [2016-08-12T15:31:32Z] DirtyF it's about livereload?
+ [2016-08-12T15:30:54Z] DirtyF awood: I don't think so
+ [2016-06-01T11:53:37Z] DirtyF any public repo ?
+ [2016-06-01T11:52:49Z] DirtyF what kinf of links ? posts ? navigation ?