+ [8 years ago] DirtyF https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/pull/4595#issuecomment-200518530
+ [8 years ago] jekyllrb Title: Gem-based themes by benbalter · Pull Request #4595 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [8 years ago] DirtyF I'm looking forward an assets folders to put the images, fonts and other files related to the theme
+ [8 years ago] DirtyF but you're right to give it a shot now, a few themes have been released

message no. 146650

Posted by DirtyF in #jekyll at 2016-08-12T23:00:18Z

fuzzybear39: and if you want to make your own thene, you add your files in the root directory and run jekyll new-theme <your-theme-name> it will help you create the gem
+ [8 years ago] tmoyer hello! I have a question about plugins. If I create a variable in a plugin with some content, is there a way to make it accessible to all of the pages on a site, such that I could grab parts of that content depending on the page I am currently on?
+ [8 years ago] jaybe [[ plugins ]]
+ [8 years ago] jekyllrb (plugins) http://osfameron.github.io/jekyll-plugins-tutorial/
+ [8 years ago] fuzzybear39 How come Jekyll is okay with (allows) @import-ing a sass file whose filename doesn't start with an underscore?
+ [8 years ago] fuzzybear39 I'm looking at the minima theme that comes shipped with Jekyll 3.2.1.