+[2017-06-22T00:24:23Z]maxlin_the syntax highlight seems not right +[2017-06-23T10:03:25Z]ArsenArsenAnyone knows how can I run a jekyll webpage on gh-pages branch with gh pages and multiple pages? Do I just need to do .md files with YAML headers? And how would the URLs look like? +[2017-06-23T12:16:07Z]DirtyFhi, anyone experienced with Jekyll not finding a gem bundled from Rubygems? +[2017-06-23T12:16:56Z]DirtyFAaron is having a hard time figuring why: https://github.com/aarongustafson/jekyll-webmention_io/issues/22 +[2017-06-23T12:16:58Z]jekyllrbTitle: Jekyll isn’t finding the gem when bundled from RubyGems · Issue #22 · aarongustafson/jekyll-webmention_io · GitHub (at github.com)
hi, anyone experienced with Jekyll not finding a gem bundled from Rubygems?
+[2017-06-24T12:03:07Z]cat_hey everyone +[2017-06-24T12:03:35Z]cat_Can help me to sort out one issue? +[2017-06-24T15:21:57Z]jaybe... +[2017-06-27T16:38:11Z]binnianyone know how to fix S3/CloudFront "/page/" index.html problem? (it doesn't serve the index files of subfolders) +[2017-06-27T16:40:55Z]firashey guys, I've setup pagination using jekyll so far so good, but when I try to go to page 2 the page loses its https and it gets a page2 thingie, I read that I should use permalinks but how can I do that?