+[9 years ago]gabeioit said reference is not a tree: +[9 years ago]MotokoHmmm. I'm not sure. +[9 years ago]gabeioOMG phew okay added .patch to the end of the github url of the commit which gave me the patch diff and used git am to apply it to my repo :phew: +[9 years ago]Trinitydoes editing an issue message or a pull request send a notification/multiple notifications to the original posters? +[9 years ago]TrinityI just edited some post like x10 times
+[9 years ago]cousteauhi, I `git clone`d a github repository and modified a few files; now I want to make a pull request so I forked the repository. Is there a way to just upload files to my forked repository, or should I go with some git push command? +[9 years ago]cousteauuh... ok, I think I kinda figured it out. Cloned my own fork, copied modified files to my local copy, ran `git commit -m 'Blah blah blah'`, and now I'm running `git push`, but I get a 403 error. +[9 years ago]cousteauerror: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing ..... +[9 years ago]cousteau...screw it, I'll just edit the files one by one on GitHub and paste the new files. I'm tired and it's late. +[9 years ago]boodllebati want to search a code on github not on a repo , i want it on whole github thanks :)