+ [2015-02-03T14:09:41Z] jaybe kramdown while place the toc where the callout occurs; i.e. {:toc}
+ [2015-02-03T14:11:00Z] Rovanion Yes, I want it to be placed in another part of the document, one which is outside of {{ content }}, in a previous _include called header.html which contains the navigation for the site.
+ [2015-02-03T14:11:27Z] jaybe have you tried including {:toc} within an include?
+ [2015-02-03T14:12:04Z] Rovanion jaybe: That outputs the {:toc} of header.html and not that of {{ content }} I'm afraid.
+ [2015-02-03T14:12:09Z] Rovanion But it was a good idea.

message no. 77249

Posted by Rovanion in #jekyll at 2015-02-03T14:12:04Z

jaybe: That outputs the {:toc} of header.html and not that of {{ content }} I'm afraid.
+ [2015-02-04T21:36:30Z] Oveja hi, i've just set up jekyll and I'm having a little trouble with syntax highlighting
+ [2015-02-04T21:38:48Z] Oveja here's the test post: http://i.imgur.com/aQiFuNT.png
+ [2015-02-04T21:40:17Z] Oveja I've tried making changes on _syntax-highlighting.scss but the changes to that file don't seem to update
+ [2015-02-04T21:40:39Z] jaybe Oveja, have you rebuilt/re-rendered the site?
+ [2015-02-04T21:41:16Z] Oveja i'm pretty sure I have, but i'm going to do it just in case