+[2015-03-23T15:18:23Z]jaybeRovanion, correct; jekyll will migrate static files and folders that do not begin with an underscore +[2015-03-23T15:18:45Z]jaybeto do custom stuff you describe, you'll likely need to to extend with plugin(s) +[2015-03-23T15:20:25Z]RovanionIt seems like a quite standard scenario for like a image gallery. +[2015-03-23T18:47:15Z]seemantso the collections question was resolved by imploding my rvm install, redoing it and installing the github-pages and jekyll gems -- I had to add jeyll-2.4.0 explicitly in the project's Gemfile, however +[2015-03-23T18:47:29Z]seemant(in case anyone was listening and/or cared :)
It seems like a quite standard scenario for like a image gallery.
+[2015-03-24T03:08:13Z]travis-cijekyll/jekyll#5603 (remove-activesupport) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/55588088 +[2015-03-24T03:08:14Z]jekyllrbTitle: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org) +[2015-03-24T12:55:14Z]chemicguys.. i’ve been struggling with the liquid a bit as I want to use variable inside of capture/assign +[2015-03-24T12:55:20Z]chemic{% assign menu = site.data.{{ site.lang }}.menu %} +[2015-03-24T12:55:44Z]chemicsomething like that..