latest 20 messages by Bigpet

+ [2014-07-19T20:19:31Z] Bigpet never happened to me but I had my mouse over it ready to click it like 5 times already
+ [2014-07-19T20:18:55Z] Bigpet since it's too close to the comment area
+ [2014-07-19T20:18:41Z] Bigpet I made a script to move the merge button waaay the fuck down
+ [2014-07-19T20:18:25Z] Bigpet Nevik: yeah, using some userscripts to change the github site seems useful sometimes
+ [2014-07-16T23:20:45Z] Bigpet after you committed them locally
+ [2014-07-16T23:20:32Z] Bigpet kaipee: if the remote to your repository is named "origin" then just "git push origin"
+ [2014-07-16T20:56:30Z] Bigpet it basically checks out all submodules at the commit that's mentioned in the current parent branches .gitmodules
+ [2014-07-16T20:55:34Z] Bigpet JZA: it updates the submodules :P
+ [2014-07-14T21:51:24Z] Bigpet something like that, yes. What is secure enough is for you to decide
+ [2014-07-14T21:44:36Z] Bigpet well secret keys should only be accessable via protected channels
+ [2014-07-14T21:41:50Z] Bigpet yosito: well I would advise you to rewrite the history of that branch to not contain that commit
+ [2014-07-13T16:23:54Z] Bigpet spaceone: rebase
+ [2014-07-11T20:08:18Z] Bigpet I already reported it, no need to invite more onlookers
+ [2014-07-11T19:56:27Z] Bigpet is there really nothing we can do?
+ [2014-07-11T19:56:20Z] Bigpet he's starting to give out rape threads?
+ [2014-07-11T19:53:35Z] Bigpet is there anything we can do as collaborators?
+ [2014-07-11T19:53:26Z] Bigpet we are being harassed with pull-requests and the repository owner is not there
+ [2014-07-08T23:15:51Z] Bigpet or enclosingin ` `
+ [2014-07-08T23:15:38Z] Bigpet ptofall code formatting is either 4 spaces at the beginning of a line
+ [2014-07-07T20:14:56Z] Bigpet if you have the parent repository added as a remote named "upstream"