+ [2019-10-28T11:23:48Z] Atlenohen A note such as "This file is not included in the project's build configuration" or something. Cool right!!!
+ [2019-10-28T12:01:39Z] nindustries anyone scanning docker images on github actions?
+ [2019-10-28T12:43:16Z] Atlenohen Hmm, direct links to diff changes in comparison links don't seem to work, always throws out the main commits page
+ [2019-10-28T12:58:49Z] canton7 Atlenohen, this channel just has volunteers in - you should probably make feature suggestions to GitHub directly

message no. 175455

Posted by ikwyl6 in #github at 2019-10-28T03:27:01Z

not sure the correct place, but here we go: If I have a cloned repo (my own) and I want to have a 'working copy' file that I'm using and there's also the 'master' copy on github. Is it useful to have my working copy file in the same git dir as the master on my local machine? Or should I create a separate 'working copy' folder outside of the 'master' git dir?
+ [2019-10-29T13:22:57Z] tychotithonus The repo.new site's supposed to redirect to GitHub's new-repository workflow ... but the cert's broken (due to what appears to be a misconfiguration that's unaware of .new being 100% HSTS?)
+ [2019-10-29T13:38:22Z] jhass tychotithonus: there's actually no github staff here (that we know of)
+ [2019-10-29T13:38:32Z] jhass so if you really care best contact support :)
+ [2019-10-29T13:41:21Z] tychotithonus jhass: indeed. i shotgunned the issue through a few different channels, assuming it's esoteric enough that it's going to take a while to bubble up to the right team
+ [2019-10-29T13:41:42Z] tychotithonus and sometimes those folks lurk in places like this