+[2013-06-02T17:57:15Z]jaybeno worries; text medium is sometimes challenging to convey technical stuff +[2013-06-02T17:57:18Z]jaybewelcome! +[2013-06-04T16:58:48Z]Lori436Hi, Im building my first Octopress blog using YinYang theme but want to customize colors and fonts further. Not sure where to create a custom scss file or to use. I see screen.scss is the last file in the themes sass plugins folder. Or do I want to be somewhere else? +[2013-06-06T15:46:26Z]inque1hello there! +[2013-06-06T15:46:37Z]inque1could anyone help me with tags?
+[2013-06-08T21:40:19Z]gsingh93Hi, by default lists of post in categories are in /blog/categories/name. can I just make that /name? +[2013-06-09T02:57:06Z]gsingh93Anyone there? +[2013-06-09T02:57:15Z]gsingh93I have a question +[2013-06-09T02:57:30Z]gsingh93And the issues page isn't up, so there's no place to ask +[2013-06-11T16:11:07Z]inque1hello guys!