latest 5 messages by jokke

+ [2014-09-17T18:49:03Z] jokke if anyone here has managed to get it running i'd appreciate some help :)
+ [2014-09-17T18:48:30Z] jokke i'm trying to figure out how to use jekyll-assets with octopress but i'm stuck with images.. they're not copied to the public/assets directory. If i change all occurences of image-url to asset-url in the sass directory the resulting css file contains just that: asset-url('...') it seems that sprockets helpers aren't used for the files..
+ [2014-09-17T18:46:26Z] jokke hi
+ [2014-09-12T18:38:52Z] jokke i'm setting up octopress and noticed that changes to the date_format option have no effect
+ [2014-09-12T18:38:06Z] jokke hi