+ [2014-09-06T14:00:05Z] fwaokda_ If I wanted to have a blogging platform that displayed live data in posts from my db would octopress be able to do this?
+ [2014-09-06T14:00:32Z] fwaokda_ for instance I have stats that would change possibly and I might want that to be reflected in the post as time goes by
+ [2014-09-08T20:46:24Z] lugub currently if I install the octopress 3.0rc I'm unable to theme right?
+ [2014-09-12T18:38:06Z] jokke hi
+ [2014-09-12T18:38:52Z] jokke i'm setting up octopress and noticed that changes to the date_format option have no effect

message no. 47359

Posted by jokke in #octopress at 2014-09-12T18:38:06Z

+ [2014-09-14T14:27:16Z] Keltia hello
+ [2014-09-14T14:27:43Z] Keltia anyone alive? :)
+ [2014-09-14T19:02:16Z] anomalyst ne1 fot their ears on?
+ [2014-09-14T19:23:06Z] anomalyst ne1 got their ears on?
+ [2014-09-14T20:10:21Z] anomalyst ne1 got their ears on?