+[2014-09-15T15:29:05Z]Keltiadoismellburning: https://twitter.com/imathis/status/511316509872758785 +[2014-09-15T15:29:28Z]doismellburningah fun, cheers +[2014-09-17T18:46:26Z]jokkehi +[2014-09-17T18:48:30Z]jokkei'm trying to figure out how to use jekyll-assets with octopress but i'm stuck with images.. they're not copied to the public/assets directory. If i change all occurences of image-url to asset-url in the sass directory the resulting css file contains just that: asset-url('...') it seems that sprockets helpers aren't used for the files.. +[2014-09-17T18:49:03Z]jokkeif anyone here has managed to get it running i'd appreciate some help :)
+[2014-09-22T17:34:19Z]jproulxjust setting up octopress for 1st time & after installing some themes I lost blog summaries on landing page (even after resetting to 'default' theme), not much there yet so I could rewind & try again but if anyone has suggestions on what I might have screwed up I'd be happier to fix it and go forward than just start over and not know... +[2014-09-22T17:42:36Z]doismellburningjproulx: compare with https://github.com/imathis/octopress/blob/master/.themes/classic/source/index.html +[2014-09-22T17:51:52Z]jproulxNo diff, though actually the default theme is even more messed up than I though it was when I last looked (Friday), I think it's do over time because I don't remember well enough where things went wrong to intelligently debug </ shrug> +[2014-09-22T17:51:54Z]jproulxthanks though +[2014-09-24T20:09:54Z]borkdude I'm trying to highlight some lines in a clojure code snippet in octopress, like : ```clojure mark:5,19-21