latest 8 messages by newke

+ [2016-10-21T18:22:43Z] newke its somehow related to J. Assange i think
+ [2016-07-27T11:00:24Z] newke hello. i really like jekyll and would like to use it to create a photo gallery for my friend. but he is not techically literate, so using jekyll would be difficult for him. is there any web interface for managing jekyll?
+ [2016-07-25T05:25:00Z] newke pontiki, no no. just an image and description
+ [2016-07-25T05:23:06Z] newke thank you
+ [2016-07-25T05:22:08Z] newke im doing portfolio site for myself using jekyll. Can I create a folder of works and add there markdown files, similar to _posts?
+ [2016-07-24T15:06:58Z] newke nvm. got it :)
+ [2016-07-24T14:58:09Z] newke or local js
+ [2016-07-24T14:58:04Z] newke hello. im new to jekyll. im currently building html template for jekyll to use. how can i add local images to it?