+ [2016-07-25T05:24:31Z] pontiki newke: if your works are fairly large files (images, videos, music, etc), you may not want to store them in your jekyll site repo directly, however
+ [2016-07-25T05:25:00Z] newke pontiki, no no. just an image and description
+ [2016-07-25T05:25:05Z] pontiki right-o
+ [2016-07-25T05:25:34Z] pontiki you might also be able to do what you want using regular pages, too
+ [2016-07-25T20:36:34Z] sdaugherty how would I go about listing all the pages (not blog posts) in a particular directory from a template?

message no. 144379

Posted by newke in #jekyll at 2016-07-25T05:22:08Z

im doing portfolio site for myself using jekyll. Can I create a folder of works and add there markdown files, similar to _posts?
+ [2016-07-26T22:54:43Z] jaybe https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/pull/5140/files#diff-2
+ [2016-07-26T22:54:44Z] jekyllrb Title: 3.2.0 release post by parkr · Pull Request #5140 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2016-07-26T22:54:48Z] jaybe \o/
+ [2016-07-26T23:20:11Z] miklb whoa.
+ [2016-07-26T23:20:33Z] miklb guess I need to get that theme I was working on into a Gem ASAP