+ [2016-07-23T13:25:14Z] FiveYellowMice I installed it with `bundle install --path vendor/bundle`.
+ [2016-07-24T14:58:04Z] newke hello. im new to jekyll. im currently building html template for jekyll to use. how can i add local images to it?
+ [2016-07-24T14:58:09Z] newke or local js
+ [2016-07-24T15:06:58Z] newke nvm. got it :)
+ [2016-07-24T15:09:56Z] jaybe ;)

message no. 144325

Posted by newke in #jekyll at 2016-07-24T14:58:04Z

hello. im new to jekyll. im currently building html template for jekyll to use. how can i add local images to it?
+ [2016-07-25T05:22:08Z] newke im doing portfolio site for myself using jekyll. Can I create a folder of works and add there markdown files, similar to _posts?
+ [2016-07-25T05:22:55Z] pontiki newke: you might look into [[collections]]
+ [2016-07-25T05:22:57Z] jekyllrb (collections) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/ and http://ben.balter.com/2015/02/20/jekyll-collections/
+ [2016-07-25T05:23:06Z] newke thank you
+ [2016-07-25T05:23:16Z] pontiki newke: _posts is a special form of collections