+[2016-12-11T08:07:36Z]UniFreakhere is my gemfile of my blog: http://kopy.io/Ah5CN +[2016-12-11T08:07:37Z]jekyllrbTitle: kopy.io (at kopy.io) +[2016-12-11T08:37:32Z]oksushiUniFreak: did you try running 'bundle install'? +[2016-12-11T08:37:53Z]oksushihttp://bundler.io/v1.13/man/bundle-install.1.html +[2016-12-11T08:37:55Z]jekyllrbTitle: Bundler: bundle install (at bundler.io)
{% assign length = 16 %} and then <h1>{{ length | divide: 4 }} </h1>
+[2016-12-12T08:42:06Z]cocomoi keep getting errors about gems have wrong version and it says to use someother version +[2016-12-12T08:42:44Z]cocomoi am running the command jekyll serv or bundle exec jekyll serv +[2016-12-12T08:43:48Z]cocomoit a shit language if you have to know to before you could use programs written in it. ruby is absolute garbage. imagine learning C package management before running your OS +[2016-12-12T12:40:01Z]Flowinhococomo No one cares about ranting. Instead post the error messages so we may help you. +[2016-12-12T18:45:53Z]osfameronlooking at backlog, it's true that perhaps jekyll could be optimized further for non-Ruby devs