+ [2016-05-31T13:49:56Z] fiord Liquid is the templating syntax that Jekyll uses so yep
+ [2016-05-31T13:51:02Z] captn3m0 Is there a way to delete a key from the Drop?
+ [2016-05-31T14:06:00Z] captn3m0 jekyll runs out of memory if I run jsonify over an entire DocumentDrop
+ [2016-05-31T14:06:25Z] captn3m0 because of the output key, which we were dropping via Hash.delete in jekyll 2
+ [2016-05-31T21:21:10Z] jwarren_ Hey Jekyll folks... I have a config question. I'm trying to make it so that only a single page is viewable in my Jekyll app (I'm using Jekyll to serve my changelog, not the entire app). Can I just `exclude: [*]` and `include: ['Changelog.md']` instead of listing every other dir/file in the repo?

message no. 137446

Posted by rhnvrm in #jekyll at 2016-05-31T00:23:57Z

pontiki, spudowiar: thanks for the help
+ [2016-06-01T11:39:11Z] oezpeda hi everyone. I am fairly new to jekyll, so this is probably quite a stupid question, but how can I keep my links working when I am not deploying into the root folder of a webserver? I have set the baseurl, but for some reason, that does not do the trick. I'd greatly appreciate any hints
+ [2016-06-01T11:48:24Z] DirtyF jekyll builds the links for you, you don't have to do anything particular
+ [2016-06-01T11:49:56Z] oezpeda it does build the links correctly for some pages, but when I am using .md files, it does not work for some reason. locally, all the links work fine, but once I move it to a webserver, it does not.
+ [2016-06-01T11:51:19Z] DirtyF you only have the destination folder to move (_site by default), you're not supposed to have .md files on your server
+ [2016-06-01T11:51:33Z] DirtyF they are converted to HTML by Jekyll