+ [2013-12-19T13:30:22Z] tomb_ jekyll only really builds the site, doesn't really deploy it
+ [2013-12-19T13:31:18Z] bolster tomb_: exactly but I was thinking of some post-commit hook, or some service that watches the generated RSS file, or something.
+ [2013-12-19T13:36:07Z] bolster Ah ha, finally a real reason for an IFTTT account http://palmer.im/2013/11/automatic-tweet-jekyll-post/
+ [2013-12-19T13:40:48Z] tomb_ ah nice :)

message no. 15216

Posted by tomb_ in #jekyll at 2013-12-19T10:33:20Z

+ [2013-12-20T23:50:18Z] emegea hi
+ [2013-12-20T23:50:21Z] emegea alive?
+ [2013-12-20T23:54:40Z] bret yup
+ [2013-12-20T23:54:56Z] bret just ask if you have q's
+ [2013-12-20T23:55:36Z] emegea hi bret!