+ [2013-06-19T14:09:27Z] tomb_ nope
+ [2013-06-19T14:09:33Z] tomb_ not that I know of
+ [2013-06-19T14:09:57Z] tomb_ you can style headers in css tho (i.e. h1, h2, h3)
+ [2013-06-19T14:10:39Z] daleharvey sure, I just fnd myself needing to replace my markdown with html becaus eI need to target particular elements

message no. 3179

Posted by tomb_ in #jekyll at 2013-06-19T13:47:35Z

is it working now?
+ [2013-06-20T20:06:52Z] RobW_ Has anyone set up RedCarpet 2 on Jekyll with Smartypants?
+ [2013-06-20T20:07:29Z] RobW_ Or maybe I should say the Redcarpet2 Smartypants implimentation with Jekyll.
+ [2013-06-20T23:30:10Z] Oli I've got a bootstrap build directory that is (relative to my jekyll root) `../bootstrap/bootstrap`. I've tried `include: ["../bootstrap/bootstrap"]` in _config.yml but it doesn't seem to want to do it. Is there a trick to making this do what I think it does?
+ [2013-06-20T23:32:00Z] jaybe Oli, when jekyll builds and 'publishes', it does so presuming a web root path of / unless otherwise specified. so, likely, you're probably just wanting to including bootstrap elements such as CSS, .js, etc. via domain.tld/bootstrap
+ [2013-06-21T00:17:26Z] odra Hello :D