+ [2016-05-02T17:30:04Z] jekyllrb I do not know about 'data files', but I do know about these similar topics: 'datafiles'
+ [2016-05-02T17:30:08Z] jekyllrb (datafiles) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/datafiles/
+ [2016-05-02T17:30:08Z] jaybe spudowiar, you could use site.variables and or [[ datafiles ]]
+ [2016-05-02T17:30:32Z] spudowiar jaybe: yeah, I think I'll just set page.title manually
+ [2016-05-04T08:06:33Z] tools_ Hey I have a collection where I would like to sort the elements by date and have tried this {% for post in site.blog offset: 0 limit: 4 | sort: 'date' | reverse %} but the result gives me May after April, and without reverse the same result. Can someone help me ?

message no. 134361

Posted by tools_ in #jekyll at 2016-05-04T08:06:33Z

Hey I have a collection where I would like to sort the elements by date and have tried this {% for post in site.blog offset: 0 limit: 4 | sort: 'date' | reverse %} but the result gives me May after April, and without reverse the same result. Can someone help me ?
+ [2016-05-05T13:09:56Z] cyberjar09 hi all, jekyll n00b here. I folowed the docs and ran "jekyll serve". I was able to view the default page on port 4000. but im trying to request "/" on apache and get the same page. not sure how to go about this. I did a symlink to index.html suchthat the doc is served but all I got was raw html without any CSS
+ [2016-05-05T13:10:33Z] cyberjar09 not sure how what to do with apache config in this case
+ [2016-05-05T13:11:42Z] Gondlar to be sure i understand you correctly: you created a symlink to your generated index.html in /var/www and nothing else?
+ [2016-05-05T13:12:16Z] cyberjar09 symlink /var/www/myblog/index.html to /var/www/index.html