latest 20 messages by wakatara

+ [2017-05-30T11:54:28Z] wakatara mine's placed in an include in the head.html file and then that is simply referenced from the default layout.
+ [2017-05-30T11:49:57Z] wakatara ie. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
+ [2017-05-30T11:48:58Z] wakatara You might want to consider simply loading it from the CDN in the actual layout. I find that ends up leading to quicker load times due to the fact it's most likely cached already.
+ [2017-05-18T19:21:05Z] wakatara Ignore. Puzzled it out.
+ [2017-05-18T19:01:36Z] wakatara Is there a way to include a parameter from a data file (ie. include.project.image) and combine that with the the jekyll-assets gem directives for a file in the _assets/img/whatever directory.
+ [2017-05-14T07:54:30Z] wakatara allejo: Thank you!
+ [2017-05-14T07:54:19Z] wakatara (of course, now I have to correct the css it's messed with... =p
+ [2017-05-14T07:54:06Z] wakatara Argh... yes, I did something stupid. I had indented the opts block under the rouge highliter. Thanks for the help. I'm going to skulk off and feel dumb now... =]
+ [2017-05-14T07:47:38Z] wakatara Lemme check to see again and make sure I didn't do something stupid.
+ [2017-05-14T07:46:03Z] wakatara (I only use fenced code blocks in my posts)
+ [2017-05-14T07:45:45Z] wakatara in the _config.yml
+ [2017-05-14T07:45:42Z] wakatara just tested it. In fact, kramdown will complain that you can't map those values.
+ [2017-05-14T07:45:26Z] wakatara it doesn't work with my 3.4.3 jekyll blog
+ [2017-05-14T07:44:34Z] wakatara my guess is there is a way to pass an opt to the rouge syntax highlighter which turns it on... just can't figure out what the magic words are.
+ [2017-05-14T07:42:38Z] wakatara allejo: Hehe... I promise to blog it so that people can find it after this... =p
+ [2017-05-14T07:42:07Z] wakatara allejo: I think it might be a side effect of making rouge the default now. Also, `kramdown.syntax_highlighter_opts.block.line_numbers: true` does not appear to force line numbers either. :-(
+ [2017-05-14T07:39:04Z] wakatara allejo: Yes, I googled that. That does not seem to work.
+ [2017-05-14T07:36:58Z] wakatara Anyone know?
+ [2017-05-14T07:36:12Z] wakatara (sorry, I should say most of the blog posts I've read seem to be outdated and their approaches do not work... I am trying to avoid jekyll specific {{highlight python linenos}} type tags in the posts.
+ [2017-05-14T07:35:04Z] wakatara I'm trying to puzzle out the option in the _config.yml in 3.4.3 to force code block sto have line numbers (so I can simply used fenced code blocks in markdown posts.). I know we use rouge but most blog posts seem to be outdated and not working. Anyone know the magic incantation to force this?