+ [8 years ago] osfameron otherwise if you need the flexibility, something like https://gist.github.com/Phlow/b31f3a8d292aa63081c6
+ [8 years ago] jekyllrb Title: Counter: This code snippet just counts your jekyll posts and spits out the result · GitHub (at gist.github.com)
+ [8 years ago] batteur i want to number <figure>
+ [8 years ago] batteur and have this figure code in a include
+ [8 years ago] batteur perhaps it's better to do this with css, but then i can't reference the figures with numbers in the text

message no. 168876

Posted by wakatara in #jekyll at 2017-05-14T07:54:06Z

Argh... yes, I did something stupid. I had indented the opts block under the rouge highliter. Thanks for the help. I'm going to skulk off and feel dumb now... =]
+ [8 years ago] yurb Stupid question, but what is the logical not operator in liquid?
+ [8 years ago] yurb (i.e. testing for absence/false value of a variable)
+ [8 years ago] captn3m0 yurb: no logical not operator.
+ [8 years ago] captn3m0 yurb: take a look at https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/issues/138 for alternatives
+ [8 years ago] jekyllrb Title: How to express logic "and","or", "not"? · Issue #138 · Shopify/liquid · GitHub (at github.com)