+ [2015-06-28T19:48:05Z] shadowlightwolf http://tybenz.com/exemplar/ that's what the nav is supposed to look like
+ [2015-06-28T19:48:06Z] jekyllrb Title: Exemplar | Tyler Benziger (at tybenz.com)
+ [2015-06-28T19:53:17Z] shadowlightwolf ugh, nevermind, I think I figured this one out too ~.~
+ [2015-06-28T20:24:35Z] gynter lol :D
+ [2015-06-28T20:25:06Z] gynter the golden rule ask and get fixed :P

message no. 100913

Posted by topleft in #jekyll at 2015-06-28T17:04:25Z

so after that, its easy and fast to create single pages like that for promotionnal stuff
+ [2015-06-29T12:02:11Z] marcoms A lot of _config.yaml is undocumented, for example, `title`, and `email` - I understand what they mean, but how/where are they used? Passed to Liquid?
+ [2015-06-29T12:02:11Z] jekyllrb marcoms: Error: The command "title" is available in the Format and Web plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "title".
+ [2015-06-29T12:25:07Z] marcoms did my message go through?
+ [2015-06-29T13:02:53Z] marcoms The "site settings" in _config.yaml appear to be passed as the "site" object to Liquid templates, is that right?
+ [2015-06-29T13:05:34Z] jaybe `topic