+ [2015-07-08T23:25:12Z] FernandoBasso I find the date in the name of the file to be a bore, makes it too long, harder to autocomplete from the command line...
+ [2015-07-08T23:26:07Z] FernandoBasso And I really don't think having a tag or category in the file is really best way to categorize posts. I think it is a fine way, but categorizing by subdirectories is also OK.
+ [2015-07-08T23:26:18Z] FernandoBasso I just wish it was possible to use either one.
+ [2015-07-08T23:29:13Z] MrPunkin does map, sort, etc. not work on enumerables with string-keys?

message no. 102446

Posted by MrPunkin in #jekyll at 2015-07-08T23:29:13Z

does map, sort, etc. not work on enumerables with string-keys?
+ [2015-07-09T00:22:30Z] parkr hey
+ [2015-07-09T00:22:30Z] jekyllrb parkr: Sent 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, and 58 minutes ago: <jaybe> hi :) re: V3 Release Timeframe Inquiry; original inquiry from: fluffypony # if for followup
+ [2015-07-09T00:22:42Z] parkr oooh that's cool!
+ [2015-07-09T00:22:49Z] parkr i got your email :)
+ [2015-07-09T00:23:47Z] pontiki hi parkr