+ [2015-07-11T07:08:11Z] pontiki not so much
+ [2015-07-11T07:08:24Z] gynter i have had many times situations when searching some error codes I find answers in irc logs
+ [2015-07-11T07:08:27Z] pontiki not on a single stream of logs
+ [2015-07-11T07:10:39Z] gynter Also, I'd be happy if I'd get more opinions about this topic https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/the-main-community-resources/924 here :)
+ [2015-07-11T07:10:41Z] jekyllrb Title: The main community resources - Jekyll Talk (at talk.jekyllrb.com)

message no. 102831

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2015-07-11T02:37:45Z

2015-02-27 05:06:51+0000: Join the Discussion at Jekyll Talk <http://jekyllrb.com/news/2015/02/26/introducing-jekyll-talk/> | 2015-01-24 08:42:31+0000: Jekyll 3.0.0.beta1 Released <http://jekyllrb.com/news/2015/01/24/jekyll-3-0-0-beta1-released/> | 2015-01-21 03:23:12+0000: Jekyll Meet & Greet at GitHub HQ <http://jekyllrb.com/news/2015/01/20/jekyll-meet-and-greet/>
+ [2015-07-13T13:19:28Z] Stalkr_ Any idea why Jekyll is parsing something in a fenced code block? I have an example that contains a footnote, but it shows up in the excerpt for some reason. Example http://d.pr/i/1arBx and excerpt http://d.pr/i/19SiA The crossed text isn't relevant, that's supposed to show up in the excerpt
+ [2015-07-13T13:19:30Z] jekyllrb Title: Screen Shot 2015-07-13 at 15.19.05.png • Droplr (at d.pr)
+ [2015-07-13T13:20:30Z] Stalkr_ I'm using Redcarpet if that means anything
+ [2015-07-13T13:22:31Z] jaybe doesn't look like it was parsed
+ [2015-07-13T13:23:07Z] jaybe and content is content; if you put something within the excerpt boundaries, it will be included