+ [2015-07-20T23:53:49Z] dm7freek well, you could have both :)
+ [2015-07-21T03:56:06Z] Unopoo what's a gist? a code snippet, like in pastie?
+ [2015-07-21T03:57:06Z] lander https://gist.github.com
+ [2015-07-21T03:57:16Z] lander It is what you see there.

message no. 104171

Posted by lander in #github at 2015-07-21T03:57:06Z

+ [2015-07-22T05:18:06Z] sp1rs Hi
+ [2015-07-22T05:18:25Z] sp1rs My commits not reflecting in graph in git
+ [2015-07-22T05:18:32Z] sp1rs Is it take time to sync ?
+ [2015-07-22T08:21:12Z] RainMan28 I am trying to duplicate a repository following instructions here: https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/ but when I enter in the command to git push —mirror I get asked to authenticate with my username and password and it fails, even though I know my user/pass are correct. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
+ [2015-07-22T12:34:08Z] Silox| Hello there! Is there a webhook for when a repository gets deleted? We'd like to catch that one in an application if possible.